Saturday, March 1, 2014


Where does the time go?  Winter is nearing an end and we couldn't be more thrilled!!  We had another "little" snow at the beginning of the month.  By the ruler I put on our deck, we got around 8 inches!  We really wish Daddy had been home for it, but unfortunately he was stuck out of town.  Luckily, he was able to drive to St. Louis and join his parents on their flight to Charlotte, so while we had some "snowed in" days, they led to a wonderful weekend!!!  We had a great time with the Seiters, and Hannah and Ethan just adore their grandparents.  Hannah loved having Grandma put her down for naps, help her get dressed, decorate with stickers, and do just about everything else with her!  Ethan was his usual happy self, and took to them both right away!  We are thankful that this little guy makes people feel so loved by his quick "warm up" to them!  We spent Saturday morning at the Carolina Aviation Museum and really enjoyed our time there!  It was really neat to see airplanes from The Wright Brothers' plane to the US Airways plane that crashed into the Hudson River a few years ago.  The span of history was really cool.  Hannah loved getting to sit in 3 different cockpits and said that she wanted to be a pilot one day.  It was a quick weekend visit, but we had so much fun and Hannah cannot stop talking about getting on an airplane to go visit Grandma and Papa in a couple months.

We've had a few days of nice weather this month, and have been able to get to the park a couple of times and we even had a little picnic one day!  We have been going to the YMCA on Monday mornings for toddler playtime in the gymnastics center, and it is so much fun!!  Hannah just has a blast, and it is fun seeing her motor skills develop so much! We have a hawk hang around our yard a bunch lately, and he has been really fun to watch.  He mostly just sits in the trees and occasionally we spot him soaring over to another limb.

At the very end of the month, Matt had the opportunity to go skiing with some of the men from his new company.  It was a great opportunity for him to do something he loves, and also to get to know his new company coworkers a bit better.  While he was gone, my parents came up for a visit, and again, the kids just loved having their other set of grandparents here!  Hannah had "Mama" put her to bed one night, and Grandaddy the next two nights!! We had a great time being with them and I was so thankful for their visit!  Grandaddy hung up our bird feeder, and we spent a morning at the Billy Graham Library.  Hannah now frequently talks about Billy Grammy, and the talking cow.

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