We moved to townhome apartment. It has 3 bedrooms and 2.5 baths and LOTS of stairs!!! We also have a garage so there is plenty of storage. It took me a couple of weeks to get the boxes unloaded and even a month in its still feeling a bit unsettled. But the area is really nice and we are certainly happy to be here!
The first weekend we were in town was Matt's birthday!! Matt has an aunt and uncle that live here in Charlotte so Aunt Mary invited us over for a birthday dinner! We were so thankful to be able to spend time with them and she happens to be an amazing cook!!! Hannah took to Mary right away and just had a blast at their house. Hannah discovered that she loves to play piano but definitely prefers Mary to sit and play next to her!
For Thanksgiving we went to my parents' house. We had a wonderful visit with them and great day on Thanksgiving with my parents, my brother and sister-in-law and her mother. It was somewhat quiet and low key, but just a wonderful time with family. The Saturday after Thanksgiving, Matt and my dad headed to Athens for the UGA vs Tech game, while Hannah and I went to my dear friend Bonnie's baby shower!!! Bonnie lives in Philadelphia and she had never had the opportunity to meet Hannah! It was a wonderful time spent with her and reconnecting with a few other dear friends. Hannah was super sweet and had a great time in her tutu dress working the crowd!!
Hannah is saying more and more words!! It is so fun to finally be able to hear her voice!! She now knows how to say eye, nose, hair, toe, shoe, hot, daddy, mama, car and no. She says something for mouth but it is not understandable at this point! And she continues to talk talk talk!!! She is also very obedient and just continues to impress us with her ability to follow simple instructions. For example, one afternoon we went shopping with Matt's Aunt Mary to a store that is like a little marketplace full of different "shops or boutiques". Well, it was a somewhat impromptu trip and I had forgotten Hannah's stroller. And when I say boutiques, I'm talking candles, glass, ornaments, jewelry, and LOTS of other things that little hands want to get a hold of and accidentally break! So, while being a nervous wreck the whole time we were in the store, I tried to teach Hannah the "you may touch anything with 1 finger" rule. And to my surprise she was able to do it with minimal coaching and maximum hovering on my part! I certainly wouldn't trust her in there alone but with constant reminding we left the store without a thing out of place!!!
In other news, we made the following big announcement to our family and friends at the beginning of the month!
As of June 2013 Hannah will be a big sister! We were moving right when I was feeling at my worst so timing truly was "impeccable", but somehow we've made it through!!! We are so excited about this new little addition to the family!!